The Student News Site of San Dimas High School

Saint Scroll

The Student News Site of San Dimas High School

Saint Scroll

The Student News Site of San Dimas High School

Saint Scroll

Unveiling Samhain’s Influence

An Evolution from Ancient Customs to Modern Celebrations
PC: Loralei Ackermann
carved pumpkins doing their job.

Halloween customs, such as costumes and jack-o-lanterns, have deep roots in the Celtic celebration of Samhain, which continues to influence Halloween traditions at San Dimas High School, whether it’s known or not. Samhain, observed on November 1st, marked the shift from harvest to winter and was believed to blur the boundary between the living and the spirit realm. This belief led to the tradition of wearing disguises, a practice that has evolved into the diverse and imaginative costumes that define Halloween today.

The Celtic festival of Samhain marked the shift from harvest to winter. It carried with it a belief that the boundary between the living and the spirit realm blurred during this time. This age-old belief is echoed in the modern-day practice of wearing imaginative costumes. These vibrant disguises, donned by both students and faculty, bring an air of mystique to the campus, bridging the gap between ancient tradition and present-day revelry.

Bonfires, once a central element of Samhain, symbolized the conclusion of the harvest season and served as a safeguard against wandering spirits. While not as prevalent today, their influence persists in the form of the jack-o-lanterns that adorn the school. These intricately carved pumpkins, a fusion of the Celtic turnip-carving practice and the bonfire tradition, serve as beacons of light, warding off malevolent energy.

For junior students, the memories of Halloween at San Dimas High School are etched in camaraderie.

My most memorable Halloween moment would be dressing up with my friends and participating in group activities with them.

— Junior Nevaeh Sanches

. The imaginative costumes that transform the campus serve as a unifying force, creating lasting bonds among peers and fostering a sense of community.

Beyond costumes and jack-o-lanterns, the spirit of Samhain lives on in deeper, more spiritual connections forged during this season. Students and faculty engage in activities that echo the ancient belief in the thinning of the veil between worlds. Storytelling sessions, Halloween sleepovers, and even trick-or-treating become avenues for exploration, intertwining tradition with contemporary celebration.

As darkness falls on Halloween night, the thrill of “scary movies and costumes” comes to life for Navaeh Sanchez. This sentiment captures the contemporary enthusiasm for the spine-chilling and the fantastical. These elements, steeped in the ancient traditions of Samhain, find new life in the modern festivities at San Dimas High School, infusing the celebration with a palpable sense of excitement.

Moreover, the school’s curriculum goes beyond the superficial, delving into the historical and cultural significance of Samhain. This interdisciplinary approach offers students a unique opportunity to connect with their ancestral roots and gain a deeper appreciation for the evolution of Halloween customs.

In essence, the Halloween traditions at San Dimas High School are a living testament to the enduring legacy of Samhain. They remind us that beneath the surface of a beloved holiday lies a rich tapestry of ancient Celtic customs, connecting us to our shared human history and the timeless rhythms of the natural world.

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