Mental health counselor Mr. Flowers and Principal Mayen’s secretary, Mrs. Lowary decided to step back from their positions on Nov. 9 due to relocation and a promotion to the district.
Two of our beloved staff here at San Dimas are sadly parting with our school and moving on to bigger and better things. Mr. Flowers started his position here in 2021 and helped establish the Wellness Center and aids students who were struggling with their mental health after quarantine. He left San Dimas to pursue another job opportunity that was provided closer to home and to be closer to his family, as he has just recently had a son with his wife earlier this year. The importance of mental health will continue to be emphasized by other counselors like Mrs. Zuniga.
“For each student that’s reading this, and I’m sure that if they’re reading it because they maybe had a connection with me, they’ve impacted me forever in a very genuine sense,” says Mr. Flowers in his last interview. “I think that they have to recognize their value and their worth and that they matter to so many and that they are going to continue doing great things.”
Mrs. Lowary was the Principal’s Secretary at SDHS. She had dedicated herself here at for an astonishing 10 years, starting in 2013. She was originally a receptionist for our school, then was promoted to Assistant Principal’s Secretary, and finally landed her job as the Principal’s Secretary where her main role was to act as an office manager and assist with the school’s budgeting. She took the job at San Dimas during her son’s junior year, giving her a more personal and heartfelt edge to her work here. Fun Fact; Mrs. Lowary was the concept creator of our mascot, Sammy the Saint!

“Be proud of the school that you attend and the people that are here to support you,” advises Lowary, “when you’re in high school, you don’t really see the behind-the-scenes until you leave it. And when you look back, you think ‘wow those people were instrumental in helping me grow’ ”.
Although they may be leaving the school, it does not mean they will be leaving our thoughts. We will all keep the work of both of our beloved staff here alive and keep the memories that they made here alive.