“Life has been slow, I feel like the days are getting longer but I also feel like I’m growing up too fast. I feel like I was just in elementary the other day and its been over 6 years since that day. I miss life when we had less responsibilities and no homework to stress about. Then I look back on how I changed and where lots of stuff went wrong and what I should have improved on to keep certain people in my life, some decisions I made that changed my life in a negative way. I find working out a way to help but it makes me disappointed that I can’t bench 2 plates anymore. Sometimes I miss people who I shouldn’t care about but the way it ended wasn’t how I think it should of ended, planning your future with someone and losing them is just the worst feeling I’ve had to have gone through. Just wish I was able to go back in time and fix my mistakes and have more fun with life.”
Humans of SD- Elias Del Real
Sophomore Football Player and Track Star
PC: Chris Del Real
Elias Del Real