Faith Kerrns is a four-sport athlete who excels in Flag Football, basketball, water polo, and Swimming at San Dimas High School. In her junior year, she maintained a 4.3 GPA. Kearns has always been athletic, regardless of the sport.
Kearns has a packed schedule from the time she wakes up at 7:30am to when she goes to bed after 10pm. She goes to school at 8:30 am. After school she has waterpolo practice from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm then from 5:30 to 7:30 she has basketball practice. By the time she gets done with school and all her practice she is exhausted. She goes home eats dinner, showers and then starts homework. Kearns states “My days repeat 24/7”.
As she goes to class every day with a full schedule on her plate, she stills is a very successful athlete. No matter what her schedules looks like she is always at practice and school. Kearns is never not a team player. She is considered “the athlete everyone wants.” according to her friends. Kearns is currently playing two sports in one season right after she finished her flag season.
Kearns has played sports her whole life but Flag Football, Basketball, Water polo, and swim are her favorites. “Growing up I was always playing sports, so being able to play them in high school is the best part about high school.” Kearns is one of them most athletic girls in high school.
Playing two sports in one season is very tough on top of two other sports during different seasons. “It’s extremely hard with the work load and practices, but lucky the times work at and for games waterpolo is at 4pm and basketball is at 5pm so I am able to go to both.” Kearns has always been the type to do anything she can accomplish no matter the cost. Her work load and sport load is very challenging but she doesn’t let it stop her.
Kearns parents are very proud of the young woman she has become. With Kearns being a four sport athlete her parents have always been on the run with her. They are at every game of hers to show her that they support her 100%. Kearns expresses “ I know that my parents are extremely proud of me.” Kearns has always done her best to prove to her parents that she can accomplish every sport as long as she puts her mind to it.