After dedicating 10 years of teaching, Mrs. Chiappone was recently named “Assistant Athletic Director,” making her the third female to hold the title in Saints history.
Growing up, Mrs. Chiappone was always surrounded by athletes and educators, leading her to follow the same path as her family. In high school, she was a record-breaking triathlete ( track, volleyball, and basketball), who continued to break records and compete in college. After realizing her major clashed with her athletics, Mrs. Chiappone altered her plans and began a career that revolved around her love for teaching. After graduating from the University of La Verne, Mrs. Chiappone continued to pursue credentials and a degree from many other schools until she ultimately decided San Dimas High would be the best fit.
When arriving at San Dimas, she begun as a Physical Education Teacher, while also being involved with the volleyball program for 8 years before moving onto the track and field scene. Over time, she has developed great relationships with her students and became an inspiring figure. Along with the addition of her athletic background, she was perfect for the job when things got rough. According to Mrs. Chiappone, Saints sports seem to have been facing trouble, “across the board, with issues such as scheduling conflicts, and busses over the years”, making it a relief for our students to receive capable leadership. After taking the job in September of last year, Mrs. Chiappone has been utilizing her resources to make the best impact possible.
Not only is she rescuing our sports program, she is also setting the perfect example for our female students by becoming the third ever Athletic Director at San Dimas. Many women are still faced with the challenge of inequality but as time progresses, efforts to overcome the gap are becoming prominent. Remarkably, Mrs. Chiappone doesn’t see her newfound title as a feminist accomplishment. Instead, she sees it simply as another opportunity she was confident in obtaining.
Being confident and determined is everything she stands for, as Mrs. Chiappone has never faced a challenge she couldn’t handle. Per Mrs. Chiappone, “Growing up never being discouraged about who I was, and excelling at what I do, has always come naturally,” allowing her success to speak for itself.
With women like Mrs. Chiappone in the education and athletic program, young girls are given an inspiring role model who allows them to believe they are capable of success. Being surrounded with women such as Mrs. Chiappone, students can earn a confidence boost that will quickly become infectious for other people, forming a positive impact.