On January 22, Wednesday night in the media center, students grades 9th-11th joined college admission officers for an inside look at the college process. For two hours, the media center was filled with students from all grades. The event had CSU and UC admission officers. The event also had financial aid officers from the University of La Verne.
There were around 20 students and each one benefitted from each workshop. High school senior, Alicia Soto said, ¨I really liked the diversity of college representatives that attended. Students gained valuable college preparedness information and connected with local college representatives.
Throughout the two-hour event, the workshop lists were a private University Admissions overview from ULV, a Community overview from Mount Sac College, Why Go Out of State from the University of Tennessee, and the Career Center from CSUF. Each workshop was incredibly helpful and beneficial for students to get them thinking about their future plans.
To end the night, the media center also hosted a FAFSA workshop for seniors. This was incredibly helpful for seniors going through the college process. San Dimas High School Senior, Alana Alonzo said that “The workshop was very helpful in answering my questions about financial aid and college in general.” It is apparent that the night was helpful to numerous students. As an annual event, college night has benefitted students from San Dimas High School for years.
These benefits are things such as helping students understand the variety of options available, and gave students a chance to ask questions about their interests and academic goals. This workshop helped students decide what college is best for them.