El Camino
The Legend Continues
October 21, 2019
Breaking Bad was originally aired on January 20th, 2008 on AMC and ran into its fifth season in 2013. Set in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the show follows Walter White as he is faced with lung cancer and turned to a life of crime as a way to pay for his treatment and set up his family for their financial future. After the shows finale, Walter is presumed dead and his accomplice, Jesse Pinkmann, is being held in captivity to continue production of the illegal substance he and Mr.White became infamous for.
Picking up shortly after the finale, we find Jesse on the run from the police and his former captors. He manages to evade the cops for the time being and decides to link up with some his old buddies, Skinny Pete and Badger for the night to ditch the car he escaped in, lay low and get some needed rest. In the morning, the three come up with a plan to shake the cops even further and hopefully eliminate police presence all together. Jesse leaves in a different car and goes off to find what he needs to begin a new life. Mainly, money.
He returns to one of his former captors apartments, now a crime scene, to look for the recently relocated cash. After searching for hours and looking over every inch of the apartment, no cash is found. After rummaging around in the fridge for food, the new location becomes apparent to him. His search is stopped almost on cue from two cops and with nowhere to run, Jesse hides in the back room and waits for them to leave. The two officers search the now torn up apartment and one stumbles into Jesse’s path during his sweep. He calls his lieutenant in and the two “cuff” Jesse and he tells them where the money is and they work out a deal where they let him go.
Without going into any more detail about the movie, it’s a good one and if you loved Breaking Bad you should check out Breaking Bad: El Camino on Netflix