FCA Keeps The Anxiety Away!

A Safe Space for Saints to Get Involved With Their Spirituality

November 22, 2019

FCA or Fellow Christian Athletes is a club for all! Anyone could join if they feel as if their AP classes, sports, or even school in general is stressful. The title itself may be deceiving but do not fear, it does not require anything, even if someone were to not believe in Christianity, they can take part in the club all the same. Students are also invited to keep an open mind; to take in information and to get advice, especially for those who struggle with mental health or are in need of a prayer. Mrs. Chiappone is the proud leader of this operation with fellow leaders who dedicate their time into sharing Gods truth with students.

FCA is also a place where people can have a positive state of mind. They club is geared towards activities for students to enjoy like games such as blind-folded musical chairs or dodge ball. Students from all around the campus are able to experience the wonders of FCA to hear about God and listen to different speakers such as teachers, coaches, or even professional athletes. For a great opportunity to seek growth in their relationship with God, or to at least experiencing something new, FCA is the place to be. No one has to be a Christian to experience the love in FCA!


Mr. Coulter enlightening the audience with a speech

Mr. Coulter, an English teacher at San Dimas High School, was one of the speakers during one of the club recent meetsing. Usually during class, his speeches are commonly based off of his past experiences. With guitar in hand and music bouncing off the walls, his therapeutic music is what gives students a more beneficial boost in class. So, with time to share what he feels with participants of FCA, said that, “I got to see students who I see all the time in class in a  different environment. When they are in this environment, it tells me that there is a spiritual component to those kids that they actually consider valuable.” His true calling is to enlightening the students of San Dimas High School and he also said that, “It allowed me to speak about something different than English and I thought that was cool.”


Mohraiel Matta, one of the leaders of the club, is a junior who participates in tennis, soccer, as well as track and field at San Dimas. When it comes to stress, all athletes experience it and to relieve it, she mentioned that, “At every huddle, I can just forget about the homework, tests, or personal problems I have. I can have fun and be myself with others who make me feel loved and welcomed.” Her smile brings hope to anyone who may enter the building in distress and lowers the stress levels substantially when it comes time to begin an FCA huddle with a warm welcome.

Cole Coffman, another athlete and leader of FCA, participates in track and field and cross country. As a senior, he is one of many who struggle with balancing AP classes and sports along with the normal stresses of adolescent life. However, he doesn’t let that affect him and he comes to every FCA huddle with this in mind as his main goal, “I became an FCA leader to spread the word of God and spread my faith through our school community.” It correlates to being a leader because he said that, ” I want people to have a safe place on campus to talk about their problems and feel free to express their relationship with God.” His time that he spends in FCA is to fulfill what he feels will help students with their spirituality on campus.

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