Artist of the Month – Noah Balanza

What is your favorite thing about music?

You can really do a lot depending on the instrument you’re playing or the tone of how you’re singing to portray whatever you want. If I want to play something more upbeat, I grab my guitar. If I want to play something sadder, I go to the piano.

How did you get into music?

It’s always been a big part in my life since the majority of my family is involved with music so they got me into it.

Do you write music?

I like to use songs I like as inspiration to make them my own by changing the chords, tempo, or lyrics.

Is music what you want to do in the future?

It’s more of a dream since it’s hit or miss, but it would definitely be cool to do something with music in the future since it’s such a huge part in my life today.

How long have you been involved in music?

I started playing guitar around five years ago, so that’s when I really started to get deep into music.

What instruments do you play?

I play the ukulele, piano, guitar, and a bit of the drums. 

How do you try to push yourself to get better?

I like to challenge myself as a musician with harder songs and learning bigger variations of chords to expand my knowledge on things.

Who is your biggest music inspiration?

I would say Jimmy Hendrix is a big one since he’s the one who inspired me with playing the guitar.

What does music mean to you?

To me music is a form of meditation because no matter the circumstances, I always turn to it. Whether I’m singing or playing an instrument, music takes my mind off everything else so I use it as a refresher.