Humans of SD — Matthew Bjork


“Riding bikes, like, made me more.. it made me look forward to what could come in the future, and it made me happy. I met a lot of new friends and they helped me grow to get better. And through getting better, I got to meet a lot of pros. And that, to me, helped me grow more and gave me the opportunity to go to special parks and meet big founders of companies and it made me feel like a part of something, like part of the community. And having the opportunities to ride with those special people, I had more opportunities to be in competitions and win prizes, no matter how many times I messed up. I remember one time we were riding, and I haven’t gotten injured a lot, but my most memorable injury was when I fell off of an 8 ft quarter pipe onto my knee. It’s because I was trying to learn a new trick and I accidentally did it wrong.” – Senior Matthew Bjork