Environmental Science LA Zoo Field Trip
The AP and regular environmental science field trip to the LA Zoo
February 19, 2020
The AP environmental science students got to take an interesting trip to the LA Zoo. They got to explore a little bit of the beauty of the world’s biodiversity. These Saints got to see not only well known animals that we know and love, but other animal species that are not as well known, but have their own beauty nonetheless. These Saints got to not only learn about these animals in class, but interact with them and truly observe them and how they interact.
The students got to explore for the first half with a tour guide who gave the students an in depth learning experience about all the animals they saw with both educational knowledge and interesting fun facts. Junior Samantha Perraya says, “ ”

PC: Jack Raygoza
After the first half of the trip the students were free to explore the zoo and see whatever they wanted to. Junior Jack Raygoza said, “I loved when we got to explore on our own. My favorite part was either seeing all the different reptiles or when I fed the giraffes.” Raygoza added, “It was a really cool trip because I normally am not that interested in things like this, but seeing these animals was really interesting compared to just a picture.”
These Saints not only got to see animals, but learned so much about them and how they affect their environment. This field trip not only helped them better understand the importance of these animals but had fun while doing it. This trip made learning about these animals interesting for students and will be a great reminder to them of the importance of the biodiversity of the world.