Finals Week at SD
Students Get Ready to Take on Finals
As one of the most stressful weeks of the school year is approaching, Saints are studying hard to succeed in finals. Students are studying hard to prepare themselves to take the final exams that typically greatly impact the overall class grade. Many students are dreading this time, however, some are just ready to get it over with and are looking forward to winter break. Students are using many different study strategies that will help them remember the material they need to know for these exams.
Dariush Zamiri, a junior explains ¨Im at the point right now where I am barely studying because I still have a lot of homework to finish. I´m somewhat nervous but mostly anxious for break to begin so I can escape the stress.¨ He says he is trying his best to stay on top of the work he is assigned, so studying is not his top priority for finals week.
Homework is a challenge for many during this time as it takes away from the time that some students would use to study.
A junior, Krishna Patel who is taking 5 AP classes she describes that she is studying much differently than she has in the past. Rather than using apps like Quizlet, she says ¨I have recently found that if I make actual physical copies of Flashcards that I write out, I seem to be absorbing the information more.¨ She also explains that AP prep books have been helping her a lot as well. ¨Even with my preparation, some finals are extremely nerve racking¨ she continues.
Finals week is a very stressful week for most, especially when taking a variety of AP classes. Many students use a variety of ways to study to make it the most beneficial for them, while some don´t study at all. Overall, San Dimas students are ready to face this dreadful week and try their best on their exams. And don´t forget winter break is very soon!